

个人简历:☆ 1998.9-2002.7山东农业大学 植物保护学院 农学学士
     ☆ 2002.9-2003.2山东农业大学 植物保护学院   硕士研究生
     ☆ 2003.3-2005.3韩国国立庆尚大学 自然科学学院   硕士研究生
     ☆ 2005.3-2009.3韩国国立庆尚大学自然科学学院 博士研究生   

发表文章:1. Baolei Jia, Tang Ke, Chun Byung Hee, Che   OK Jeon. Large-scale examination of functional and sequence diversity of   2-oxoglutarate/Fe (II)-dependent oxygenases in Metazoa. Biochimica et   Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 2017; 1861: 2922-2933. (Corresponding   author)
     2. Baolei Jia, Xiaomeng Jia, Kyung Hyun Kim, Zhongji Pu, Kang Myung-Suk,   Che OK Jeon. Evolutionary, computational, and biochemical studies of the   salicylaldehyde dehydrogenases in the naphthalene degradation pathway.   Scientific Reports 2017; 7: 43489. (Corresponding author)
     3. Baolei Jia. High-throughput recombinant protein expression in   Escherichia coli: current status and future perspectives. Open biology 2016;   2016: 196.
     4. Baolei Jia, Xiaomeng Jia, KH Kim, Che OK Jeon. Integrative view of   2-oxoglutarate/Fe (II)-dependent oxygenase diversity and functions in   bacteria. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 2017; 1861:   323-334. (Corresponding author)
     5. Baolei Jia, Byung Hee Chun, Ga Youn Cho, Kyung Hyun Kim, Ji Young Moon,   Soo-Hwan Yeo, Che Ok Jeon. Complete genome sequences of two acetic   acid-producing Acetobacter pasteurianus strains (subsp. ascendens LMG 1590T   and subsp. paradoxus LMG 1591 T). Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology   2017; 5:33.
     6. Baolei Jia, Kyung Hyun Kim, Che Ok Jeon. Complete genome of Zhongshania   aliphaticivorans SM-2T, an aliphatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium isolated   from tidal flat sediment. J Biotechnol 2016; 226: 22-23.
     7. Baolei Jia, Hyo Jung Lee, Che Ok Jeon. Draft Genome Sequence of Zhouia   amylolytica AD3, Isolated from Tidal Flat Sediment. Genome Announc 2016; 4:   e00327-16.
     8. Baolei Jia, Le Van Duyet, Sun Ying, Yuan Hu Xuan, Gang-Won Cheong.   Proteome profiling of heat, oxidative, and salt stress responses in   Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1. Front. Microbiol. 2015; 6: 605.   (Corresponding author)
     9. Baolei Jia, Jinliang Liu, Ying Sun, Xiaomeng Jia, Yuan Hu Xuan, Jiayan   Zhang, Che Ok Jeon. A Zinc-Dependent Protease AMZ-tk from a Thermophilic   Archaeon is a New Member of the Archaemetzincin Protein Family. Front   Microbiol 2015; 6: 1380. (Corresponding author)
     10. Tianya Li, Kai Liao, Xiaofeng Xu, Yue Gao, Ziyuan Wang, Xiaofeng Zhu,   Baolei Jia, Yuanhu Xuan. Wheat Ammonium Transporter (AMT) Gene Family:   Diversity and Possible Role in Host–Pathogen Interaction with Stem Rust.   Frontiers in Plant Science 2017; 8: 1637. (Corresponding author)
学术兼职:Frontiers in Microbiology 编委;Frontiers in   Genetics编委